Life coaching

The twists of life

Life happens! It seems that “life as usual” is never that usual and it comes with the twists and the bumps of moving house, the various stages of our children and the different demands that comes with that. Big decisions that we meet on our journey and the various anxieties that life in general has to offer. In this section of life coaching we focus on life skills to cope with the demands of everyday life and all the challenges that this brings on all levels. Some of the things that we focus on in The twists of life (but not limited to) are:

• Time management
• Prioritisation
• Embracing anxiety
• Juggling work and life
• The challenges of raising children
• Relationship tools
• Life skills

Life interrupted

Often life is interrupted with unplanned events that causes us to double take and re-evaluate. This could include anything from your partner being retrenched to the possibility of a new job in a different city or country. The anxiety of not falling pregnant month after month to the discovery of unexpected twins. The choice to cut back and be a full time mother or going back to work after many years outside of your field. Lastly there is the changing of seasons that could lead to life changing decisions that need deep thought and a lot of courage. Some of the things we focus on in Life interrupted are:

• Coping skills in times of change
• Decision-making skills
• Embracing anxiety
• Life after retirement
• Life during retrenchment of self or partner
• Children leaving home
• Skills to cope with future life interruptions

Life on its head

As a cancer survivor for the second time, I have a unique set of skills to deal with the times when it feels like life is completely on its head and when it feels like the world might never be the right side up again. It is the time in one’s life where it is easy to become desperate, lost and overwhelmed by what life has to offer in terms of its challenges. The things that we focus on when Life is on its head are:

• Walking with fear
• How do I go back to work after a heart-attack?
• How do I support my partner (someone close to me) that is diagnosed with terminal illness?
• How do I cope with being diagnosed with a terminal illness?
• How do I go back to work after a traumatic event?